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- Ontwikkeltools scripts
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Populaire software
RiCal 13 May 15
Apache PDFBox 9 Apr 16
net-tnsping 13 May 15
RDF.rb 10 Dec 15
juniversalchardet 21 Jul 15
Fluentd 12 Apr 15
OpenLayers 20 Jul 15
Nieuw Meer ontwikkeltools scripts Voor Web
Twig 1.22.2 Bijgewerkt
Twig uses a syntax similar to the template languages found in Django and Jinja. Twig is also the current templating engine used in the popular Symfony PHP framework. The principle behind Twig is simple. It takes specific syntax and converts to plain...
Apache Commons CSV 1.2 Bijgewerkt
Apache Commons CSV was developed to provide a better way of making sense of CSV (Comma Separated Values) when working with the Java programming language. Supported CSV formats: RFC 4180 MS Excel MySQL TDF Besides these, new custom formats can also be...
ISO8583 0.2.0 Bijgewerkt
ISO8583.rb is a Ruby library providing infrastructure for dealing with ISO 8583 Financial Transaction Messages. The best place to get started using the library is the documentation of the Message class.What is new in this release:Restrict to Ruby <...
Plates 3.1.1 Bijgewerkt
The term "native template engine" refers to the fact it uses classic code to insert content inside placeholders/markers based on a simple set of criteria. The opposite of a native template engine is the likes of Smarty or Twig, complex systems that use...
Page.js 1.6.4 Bijgewerkt
Modeled after the Express built-in routing system, Page.js ports some of the principles found in server-side JS programming to the browser. Page.js allows developers access to a much more advanced routing and history state management system than they...
eventPause.js 1.0.1
eventPause.js werd opgericht om vervelende gevallen waarin bepaalde gebeurtenissen en acties moeten tijdelijk niet gebonden te zijn en gebonden later nog eens om verschillende redenen te voorkomen. Dit kan met enkele regels code en omvat een eenvoudige...
Set 2.0.0 Bijgewerkt
Set is a templating system developed to help JavaScript programmers control the layout and the content of their Web pages and application views.The template engine was written following simple DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles, keeping its codebase...
Parker 0.0.9 Bijgewerkt
Parker works from the Node.js command-line interface, with local or remote stylesheets.It can analyze one file at a time, or multiple stylesheets one by one.Parker will parse a stylesheet, extract, compile, summarize, and display various CSS metrics...
Unirest (Java) 1.4.7 Bijgewerkt
This library is part of the Unirest set, a collection of HTTP libraries for :PHPPythonObjective-CRubyThe Java version of this library can handle multiple operations, from creating synchronous and asynchronous HTTP requests, to file uploads and response...
Zoek op categorie
- Audio-scripts
- Audio-software
- Bestand gereedschappen scripts
- Beveiligingssoftware
- Beveiligingssystemen & encryptie scripts
- Browsers
- Business & office scripts
- Business & office software
- Communicatie scripts
- Communicatiesoftware
- Digitale foto-software
- Disk & file software
- Educatieve en wetenschappelijke instrumenten scripts
- Educatieve en wetenschappelijke software
- Entertainment & hobby software
- Grafisch ontwerp scripts
- Grafisch ontwerp software
- Huis & familie software
- Internet software
- Modules
- Netwerkhulpmiddelen scripts
- Netwerksoftware
- Nut van het systeem
- Ontwikkeltools
- Ontwikkeltools scripts
- ActionScript-klassen
- Ajax scripts
- Api gereedschappen scripts
- Authenticatie scripts
- Captcha scripts
- Cms scripts
- Compilers scripts
- Formulier validatie scripts
- Formulieren en controles scripts
- Frameworks scripts
- Html gereedschappen scripts
- Hulpprogramma's voor database scripts
- Klik traceerscripts
- Menu's en navigatie-scripts
- Mobiele ontwikkeltools scripts
- Modaal venster scripts
- Php klassen
- Programmeertools scripts
- Seo tools scripts
- Slider scripts
- Snippet scripts
- Statische site generators
- Testtools scripts
- Ui en css frameworks
- UI-componenten
- Web traffic analysis scripts
- Webserver scripts
- Wiki systemen
- Wysiwyg-editors
- Xml gereedschappen scripts
- Zoekmachines & koppeling indexering scripts
- Meer ontwikkeltools scripts
- Productiviteit software
- Productiviteitstools scripts
- Reizen & navigatie software
- Spel scripts
- Spelletjes
- Verhogingen van de Desktop
- Video scripts
- Videosoftware
- Web development software
Populaire software
Deprecated 12 May 15
Milton 20 Jul 15
jsPDF 6 Jun 15
Pathname2 13 May 15
TerrificJS 13 May 15
Cachy 13 Apr 15
Apache Chemistry CMIS for Python 21 Jul 15